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FCA warmly welcomes you to join.

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About Future Center Alliance

The FCA is a global community of Future Centers and similar dedicated innovation environments, as well as Future Center practitioners. These organizations and people share a passion for creating sustainable solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges by nurturing collaboration and the freedom to think differently, learning from culturally diverse wisdom, sharing concepts widely and producing outcomes that can be successfully implemented.


We aim to achieve the highest level of professional practice and consistency in:

  • Supporting people and organizations to deal effectively with complex problems

  • Creating effective and stimulating environments for breaking down barriers to collaborative innovation

  • Forging collaboration across borders of all kinds and championing creative work processes, methodologies and tools

  • Encouraging and igniting new ways of thinking about existing and future problems

  • Facilitating and creating new collective intelligence, integrating the old and the new to achieve relevant results which can be realized in practice


We work through Future Centers and similar innovation environments to achieve these goals.

How to join the FCA

We invite organizations and individuals seriously interested in using Future Center concepts, who want to interact, share, collaborate and learn with others working in this field, to join the Alliance.


Please contact us and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Why become a member?

FCA is a not-for-profit network association of organizations and people passionate about the art and practice of innovation in general, and Future Centers in particular. It is an international platform where members learn from each other, co-develop the art and practicesof collaborative innovation, and work towards solving complex problems with innovative methods.


Membership benefits include:

  • A platform for network members who learn from each other, co-create new methods, prototypes and solutions, and are able to seek advice from and offer assistance to each other. Networking takes place through virtual interaction, visits, face-to-face collaboration and events.

  • Opportunities to initiate and join collaborative projects addressing specific challenges relevant to members, or related to the art and practice of Future Centers.

  • Access to all FCA web resources, the majority of which are available only to members.

  • Special member prices for Future Center and innovation related products.

  • The Future Center Summits: priority registration for these special events.

  • Additional services and benefits will be proposed and co-created by the members.​


Who should join FCA?

We invite organizations and individuals seriously interested in using Future Center concepts, who want to interact, share, collaborate and learn with others working in this field, to join the Alliance.


Members includes:

  • Private and public sector organizations that operate Future Centers and other dedicated innovation spaces.

  • Organizations using Future Center concepts, and seriously consider establishing Future Centers.

  • Practitioners who address innovation and futurizing challenges using Future Center approaches.

  • Academics who explore the diverse domains of organizational and societal innovation.


Annual fees

Organizations: €1500 (a few bursaries are avaialble for special cases). 

Individuals and small organizations: €200


*membership fees policy will be reviewed in July 2016. 


Organizations and individuals can choose to become Patrons of the FCA, supporting the Alliance with a larger annual contribution or by sponsoring specific activities. Contact us to discuss possibilities.


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